
I’ve been having a lovely time this week not getting down to doing what I ought to due to having the excuse that I had to check out blogs for my five Liebster awards.  The fact that I knew pretty well whom I wanted to nominate straight away is beside the point, the research was still necessary.  Of course it was.

So in no particular order, I’d like to nominate Susie from Desperate Anglo Housewives Bordeaux because she makes me laugh.  And she makes sense.  She’s also keen on food and includes some fantastic and doable recipes.  it was one her posts that prompted me to finally buy one of Nigella Lawson’s books, now an absolute kitchen essential.

I don’t know who is behind Literary Relish  but I thoroughly enjoy her book reviews which cover a nice wide range and are also generally pretty much to my taste.  She doesn’t reveal much about herself but I get the feeling that she reviews her own books and not ones sent to her by publicists so she reviews books that are out, in paperback and affordable.  When you live abroad and have to buy all your books because there are no libraries being tempted endlessly in blogs by the latest hardbacks is maddening!

Again I don’t know who writes Total Immersion – French Style but I admire the author of this blog, set in Rouen, hugely for the gusto with which she’s integrating herself into French life.  And for learning how to bake too.  But I’d check her blog out just for her photos which make me really, really want to visit Rouen again.

I always loved crime fiction, no it’s not a guilty pleasure – it’s one I am completely unashamed of and I’d love to be able to write a crime novel myself but I don’t think I could ever be subtle enough at the plotting.  Either I’d end up with a murderer who’s pulled like a rabbit out of a hat on the last page but one or you’d know who it is from the first chapter.  So I was really pleased to chance on Crimepieces which is a book blog all about  romance crime and is just up my street.

Finally but definitely not least there’s Vanessa from Life on La Lune who is also a writer and blogs about life in France.  She’s definitely not fluffy and starry eyed, thankfully neither is she bitter for that matter, but she’s always interesting, informative and she takes wonderful photos too.